The Sound Agents provide workshops to aid health and wellbeing. 

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Funded by Pine Court Housing to  deliver a series of arts and crafts workshops with Pine Court residents to create art works to be exhibited in the Black-E and in a residential setting. We will invite people to the opening of the exhibition and provide light refreshments. Arts for Health is a project we have developed working with Chinese colleagues, a focus group and wider communities in L1. 

Consultation discussions proved a need for people to spend time with each other in a happy setting using the arts a tool for bringing people together.

 The Sound Agents developed the Arts for Health project having also worked with Dr Simon Abrams a GP in Everton, based in the now demolished Great Homer Street Surgery Moira Kenny and John Campbell were commissioned as Artist in Residence in the waiting room working with zero tolerance patients as a social prescribing preventative activity. This work led to a partnership with Somerset GP Dr Malcolm Rigler who is dedicated to working with people to provide arts activities to prevent and alleviate health problems and to combat loneliness. GP’s recognise participating in arts activities helps promote good health. More here

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